Resources - Hunger & Poverty
This information on hunger and poverty is provided by the Hunger Dialogue Group.
Local Organizations / Resources
- Hunger Dialogue
- Jefferson County Food Resources (.xlxs - will download as a Excel Spreadsheet)
- Hunger Dialogue; Jefferson County (.ppt - will download as a PowerPoint presentation)
- A Local Face on Hunger (.docx - will download as Word file)
State of Iowa Organizations / Information
- Feeding America - Hunger in Iowa
- Talk Poverty - Iowa
National Organizations
- Feeding America - Humger in America
- Talk Poverty - America
- US Census for Jefferson County
- National Council for Aging Care - The Facts Behind Senior Hunger
International Organizations
- Gapminder - relationship of poverty and life expectancy

How to...
Add Your Organization as A Resource to this Website
- Fill out the form on the "Contact Us"page from the menu above
- Email Ken Dailey -