Let'sGoJeffCo is developing a countywide wellness initiative by building local capacity to address wellness issues, gathering baseline information, and coordinate projects targeting nutrition, physical activity and tobacco use prevention.
Evaluation for each of the project components are as follows:
- The Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System is completed, analyzed, and ready for presentation to health professionals by May 15, 2009.
- The project coordinator delivers 100 education sessions touching all sections of the county by June 1, 2010.
- Four of the top 10 Jefferson County companies / organizations change policy with regard to wellness by June 30, 2010.
- A vibrant county-wide wellness coalition formed with a minimum of 20 actively engaged businesses and organizations.
- A thorough resource list of wellness-related businesses and organizations is compiled and available for distribution by December 31, 2008.
- A wiki website is developed with a minimum of 30 entries.
- A minimum of 150 people are registered on the Jefferson County Wellness Listserv by June 9, 2009.
- Students are pre-and post-tested to determine if they are engaging in an average increase of 10 minutes in moderate and vigorous activity levels.
- Student BMI will be measured to determine the 8% increase in number of students falling within the Presidential Physical Fitness Challenge suggested BMI Range.
- Segment #8 of the Jefferson County Loop Trail is developed and hard-surfaced by June 1, 2010.
- Health care professionals are surveyed every 6 months starting August 1, 2010 to determine the response rate of their patients to being educated and encouraged to use the Trail System for fitness and health. Survey data is collected in regards to noticeable changes, including the possible reduction in the need for medication as a consequence of increased exercise.
- The Tobacco Cessation subcontractor monitors and reports the number of inquiries from the public about the Cessation program, enrollment in each class, and the success rate of the participants at the end of the 14-week program, again at six months, and one year after the quit date.
- Each school district applies for and carries out nutrition and physical activity events stated in the School Wellness mini-grant application form and files a follow up report.
- The number of farm related accidents resulting in the loss of physical activity/capability in Jefferson County will be monitored to determine the reduction in number of incidents following Farm Safety Day Camp programs.
- Ten preschool nutrition programs are presented by June 1, 2010.
- School officials are surveyed by November 1, 2009 to develop a plan to link schools with food producers to incorporate locally grown food in the school.

How to...
Get More Information about Let'sGoJeffCo Projects:
- Contact Ken Daley -